Mala Galeria (logo)

Mala Gallery
8, Zamkowy Sq., Warsaw (Old Town)
December 4-28, 2001




Piotr Wojnarowski:  Portrety


Piotr Wojnarowski, "Portraits", Mala Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, December 2001.



PORTRAITS - the title of this exhibition seems to be somewhat deceitful. A portrait is associated more often than not with human face but we do not see this face on photographs of Piotr Wojnarowski. Perhaps it is an indoor portrait of the artist to paraphrase the title of the famous author's novel? Maybe it is an attempt to identity but not necessarily by using a trite pattern of photographing human face.

There is common opinion that the face says everything. Wojnarowski is trying to undermine this seemingly obvious truth by presenting torn up, anonymous torso achieving this way more generalized image of man. Maybe he is trying to find an answer to the question of our self-identification of to point at irreversal character of our common fate?

It is hard to give unequivocal answer to these questions, but these pictures are undoubtfuly a symbolic recording of human image in which uncertainty and hopelessness decide about our future to the still greater extent.

Marek Grygiel


Piotr Wojnarowski, "Portraits", Mala Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, December 2001.



Piotr Wojnarowski, "Portraits", Mala Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, December 2001.



Piotr Wojnarowski

art education:

Assistant at Photography Workshop in the Youth Palace in Warsaw 1992-93
Post-Secondary School of Visual Arts in Warsaw 1992-94
Trainnig in the State School Higher Film, Theatre and Television School in Lodz, Department of Photography 1995-96

selected photographic exhibitions:

Collective exhibitions of the "Rama" group
"Confrontation without Sanctions" Collective exhibition accompanying XXII Confrontation in Gorzow Wielkopolski 1992
Exhibitions following competitions in Ruzomberok Slovakia, Cracow Poland and Vienna, Austria 1993
"Places" Mala Gallery Warsaw 1998
"Lieux" Galerie du Forum, Toulouse France 2000



Also in fotoTAPETA:


Piotr Wojnarowski, "Portraits", Mala Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, December 2001.


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05 - 12 - 2001